His name was eDark. He loved omtish. He would talk to me on MSN and try to get me to join a crew he made about omtish in the world, and the world in omtish. He was a swell guy, from what I've seen of him. May he find love in the stars, as the picture below would represent, in the grace and presence of what had gave him joy, what made him complete in life, what he cherished.
May he find it in omtish.
Wade probably did it.
Wow that's a gay pic.
BTW retarded kids stole omtish weeks ago. And it was all edark's fault from what I've read in their news posts.
deviantArt is amazing.
And from what I know, he made a crew (not a flash crew, apparently) about it, some guy on the BBS bitched about it, and edark somehow got his account deleted. Assuming that people can't delete their own accounts, this basically tells me something that I've known for a good while now:
Newgrounds is a pile of shit. Omtish abuse or no, it's absolute crap that somebody got deleted over a harmless word.
I still have no idea how to type his name right :X